William Acton
Follower of Pieter Aertsen
William Aikman
American Colonial School
American School
Samuel Andrews
Peter Angelis
Anglo-Ceylonese School
Anglo-French School
Sir Martin Archer Shee PRA
Jacques-Antoine Arlaud
Jean-Baptiste Jacques Augustin
James Penniston Barraclough
William Hoare of Bath
Mary Beale
Vanessa Bell
Attributed to Sarah Biffin
Sarah Biffin
Oswald Birley
Clara Birnberg
Bohemian School
Gerald Leslie Brockhurst
Simon Bussy
Cornelis Jonson van Ceulen
Alfred Edward Chalon RA
George Chinnery
John Closterman
Circle of Francois Clouet
Studio of Francois Clouet
Richard Collins
Colonial School
John Constable RA
Alexander Cooper
Alfred Egerton Cooper
Samuel Cooper
Richard Cosway
Samuel Cotes
Studio of John de Critz the Elder
Peter Cross
Richard Crosse
Cecil Cutler
Charles D'Agar
Michael Dahl
Sir Nathaniel Dance-Holland
Abraham Daniel
Jeremiah Davison
George Dawe RA
Balthasar Denner
Arthur Devis
Arthur William Devis
Jessica Dismorr
Nicholas Dixon
William Dobson
John Downman
Gainsborough Dupont
Dutch or Flemish School
After Sir Anthony van Dyck
Circle of Sir Anthony Van Dyck
Sir Anthony Van Dyck
Studio of Sir Anthony Van Dyck
Henry Edridge
Robert Peake the Elder
Renold Elstrack, or After
George Engleheart
Sir Jacob Epstein
William Essex
James Ferguson
Flemish School
Flemish School, After Hans Holbein
Lavinia Fontana
Thomas Forster
John Francis
Roger Fry
Thomas Frye
Thomas Gainsborough RA
Alexander Gallaway
Daniel Gardner
George Garrard
Giovanna Garzoni
Henri Gascars
Benedetto Gennari
German School
Circle of Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger
Follower of Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger
Workshop of Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger
Richard Gibson
Thomas Gibson
Margaret Gillies RWS
Count Victor Gleichen
Attributed to George Gower
George Gower
Manner of George Gower
David des Granges
Duncan Grant
John Greenhill
William Grimaldi
Sir Herbert James Gunn
Bernard Hailstone
Gawen Hamilton
Hugh Douglas Hamilton
Adriaen Hannemann
George Perfect Harding
Thomas Hargreaves
George Henry Harlow
Harold Harvey
Lucy Harwood
Francis Hayman
Sir George Hayter
Robert Norman Hepple
Thomas Hickey
Nicholas Hilliard
William Hogarth
After Hans Holbein
Circle of Hans Holbein
Follower of Hans Holbein
Robert Home
Nathaniel Hone the Elder
Gerrit van Honthorst
Studio of Gerrit van Honthorst
John Hoppner RA
Studio of John Hoppner RA
John Hoskins the Elder
Thomas Hudson
Ozias Humphry RA
Robert Hunter
Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Hurter
Jacob Huysmans
Hans Hysing
Jean-Baptiste Isabey
Italian School
Charles Jervas
Augustus Edwin John
Gwen John
Cornelius Johnson
John Smart Junior
Angelica Kauffmann RA
Tilly Kettle
George Knapton
Sir Godfrey Kneller Bt.
Studio of Sir Godfrey Kneller Bt.
Laura Knight
Henry Lamb
Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
Circle of William Larkin
William Larkin
Philip de Laszlo
Sir John Lavery
Circle of Sir Thomas Lawrence PRA
Sir Thomas Lawrence PRA
Sir Thomas Lawrence PRA and Studio
Studio of Sir Thomas Lawrence PRA
Circle of Sir Peter Lely
Peter Lely
Studio of Sir Peter Lely
Franz von Lenbach
Peter Paul Lens
Edmond Lilly
Jean-Etienne Liotard
Jean-Baptiste van Loo
Studio of Jean-Baptiste van Loo
Antonio Mancini
Harrington Mann
John James Masquerier
James Francis Maubert
Eileen Mayo
Juan Bautista Martinez del Mazo
Ambrose McEvoy
Sir John Baptist de Medina
Anne Mee (née Foldsone)
Philip Mercier
Workshop of Steven van der Meulen
Jeremiah Meyer RA
Garret Morphy
Cedric Morris
Sir Alfred Munnings PRA
After Daniel Mytens
Studio of Daniel Mytens
John Nash
Joseph Nash
James Nixon ARA
Michael Noakes
Joseph Francis Nollekens RA
Isaac Oliver
Peter Oliver
John Opie RA
Bryan Organ
Sir Joshua Reynolds P.R.A.
Workshop of Robert Peake the Elder
Jean Petitot the Elder
Charles Philips
Henry William Pickersgill
Robert Edge Pine
Andrew Plimer
William Prewett
Dod Procter
Sir Henry Raeburn PRSA
Allan Ramsay
Charles Paul Renouard
Jonathan Richardson
Christian Richter
John Riley
Andrew Robertson
Charles Robertson
George Romney
Susan Penelope Rosse
William Rothenstein
Jean André Rouquet
Theodore Roussel
John Russell RA
Frank O. Salisbury RA
Anglo-Dutch School
Anglo-Flemish School
Anglo-Netherlandish School
Dutch School
English School
French School
Scottish School
Enoch Seeman
Samuel Shelley
Clare Sheridan
John Smart Jr.
John Smart
Attributed to Franciszek Smiadecki
John Raphael Smith
Gerard Soest
Gervase Spencer
Gilbert Spencer
Henry Spicer
Thomas Stewart
Richard Stone
Gilbert Stuart
George Stubbs RA
John Vanderbank
Adrian Vanson
Maria Verelst
Simon Verelst
Jacob Ferdinand Voet
Lorna May Wadsworth
Robert Walker
Studio of Robert Walker
Master of the Countess of Warwick
Richard Wilson
William Wood
Joseph Wright of Derby ARA
John Michael Wright
John Hoskins the Younger
Marcus Gheeraerts the younger