Thomas Gainsborough RA
Portrait of Sir John Skynner (1723-1805), Lord Chief Baron, 1786
Oil on canvas
50 x 40 in. (127 x 101.2 cm)
Philip Mould & Co.
To view all current artworks for sale visit philipmould.com Gainsborough was as capable of depicting weighty dignity as elegance and refinement and this portrait of one of eighteenth-century England's...
To view all current artworks for sale visit philipmould.com
Gainsborough was as capable of depicting weighty dignity as elegance and refinement and this portrait of one of eighteenth-century England's principal judges has a weighty solidity and power that expresses the sitter's embodiment of the law.
Gainsborough was as capable of depicting weighty dignity as elegance and refinement and this portrait of one of eighteenth-century England's principal judges has a weighty solidity and power that expresses the sitter's embodiment of the law.