Christian Friedrich ZinckePortrait enamel of a Young Girl, possibly Princess Amelia (1711-86), wearing blue dress with embroidered bodice, fresh flowers in her blonde hair, mid 18th century
Christian Friedrich ZinckeA portrait miniature enamel of Francis Beckford (d. 1768) wearing blue coat embroidered with gold, tied with lace cravat, brown hair worn en queue, early 18th century
Christian Friedrich ZinckeElizabeth Montagu (née Robinson) (1718-1800), dressed as ‘Anne Boleyn’, in lace-edged black Tudor costume, the dress and gold-figured coif bordered with pearls, c. 1740-45
Christian Friedrich ZinckeA Nobleman, probably a member of the Townshend family, c. 1740
Christian Friedrich ZinckeA portrait enamel of a Gentleman, wearing a magenta velvet jacket, white shirt, frilled stock and powdered wig, c. 1740
Christian Friedrich ZinckeA Gentleman, wearing fur-lined blue coat over gold embroidered waistcoat,, c. 1735-40
Christian Friedrich ZinckeA Gentleman, previously identified as Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford (1676-1745), wearing a brown velvet coat and waistcoat, frilled cravat and powdered wig, c. 1730
Christian Friedrich ZinckePortrait of Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough (1660-1744), wearing black dress over white underdress, a black veil covering her blonde hair, c. 1722
Christian Friedrich ZinckePortrait enamel of a Lady, wearing blue, draped classical gown over white chemise, c. 1720
Christian Friedrich ZinckeA young woman, wearing white dress with lilac sash, her blonde hair worn loose, c. 1715
Christian Friedrich ZinckePortrait enamel of a Gentleman, wearing gilded armour and long powdered curling wig, c. 1715
Christian Friedrich ZinckePortrait enamel of a Lady in yellow, c. 1710-5
Christian Friedrich ZinckePortrait of Henrietta Maria (nee Stanley), Lady Strange, Countess of Anglesey and Lady Ashburnham (1686/7-1718), c. 1710
Christian Friedrich ZinckeA portrait enamel of Francis Seymour-Conway, 1st Marquess of Hertford (1718-94), wearing grey velvet coat with gold embroidered border, 1745
Christian Friedrich ZinckePortrait enamel of Frances Lumley-Saunderson, Countess of Scarbrough (née Lady Frances Hamilton) (c.1700-72), wearing pink silk gown open to reveal white chemise, 1723