George Romney
Self portrait in a Purple Coat, Late 1760s
Oil on canvas
30 x 25 inches (76.3 x 63.3 cm)
Philip Mould & Co.
To view all current artworks for sale visit philipmould.com This little known self-portrait, one of only eight recorded in Ward and Roberts’ 1904 catalogue raisonné, has only recently come to...
To view all current artworks for sale visit philipmould.com
Until now, this portrait has been almost entirely obscured by layers of later over-paint. Like most of Romney’s self-portraits, the artist originally left it unfinished, with very loosely painted clothing and an almost bare canvas background. The picture was subsequently ‘finished’ by a well-meaning but evidently inept artist, probably at about the turn of the nineteenth century. The later paint obscured the original deep purple drapery (a favourite colour of Romney’s during this period of his career), turning his coat into a shapeless black mass, which disappeared into the similarly obscured murky brown background. Romney’s features, wig, and position within the canvas had also been noticeably altered, so that his head appeared to float uncomfortably above his shoulders. However, the original format of the picture could be seen in the 1822 engraving, and careful cleaning and removal of the over-paint by this gallery has once more revealed Romney’s original composition.
As with many artists and their self-portraits, Romney’s self portraits are an opportunity to conduct upon himself the uncompromising, probing study of character that he could not inflict upon his clients. Only in the self-portraits could he be so candid with a sitter’s emotions, and the present portrait suggests the contained confidence of a young man at the inception of his career. The progression to the disillusioned and reclusive figure, arms folded in retreat from the world, in the 1784 National Portrait Gallery sketch contrastingly represents a rather sad progression of Romney’s own psyche.
By descent to the artist's son, the Rev. John Romney, 1817;By descent to Miss Elizabeth Romney;
Her sale, Christie's London, 24-25 May 1894, lot 183 (bt. Butler, £89.15s)
Charles Butler 1898;
Thence by descent.
H. Ward and W. Roberts Romney, A Biographical and Critical Essay with a Catalogue Raisonné of his Works, London and New York 1904, p.134 no.4;To be included in Alex Kidson’s forthcoming catalogue raisonné of the artist’s work.