French SchoolPortrait miniature of a Lady, wearing brown dress with white chemise and purple cloak, flowers in her upswept powdered hair, Mid 1750s
French SchoolPortrait of Two Brothers, Louis and Charles de Rassi, Late 18th Century
French SchoolA young Gentleman, wearing buff-coloured jacket, brown trousers and white shirt holding a patterned silk kite, c. 1795
French SchoolA Meeting of Maximilien de Robespierre (1758-94), Louis Saint-Just (1767-94) and Georges-Jacques Danton (1759-94), c. 1790
French SchoolA Noblewoman, wearing pink robes, fresh flowers in her powdered hair, c. 1790
French SchoolA Noblewoman, wearing lace-trimmed pink dress with green ribbon, a matching green ribbon in her upswept hair, c. 1770
French SchoolLouis Alexandre de Bourbon (Louis Alexandre Joseph Stanislas) (1747-1768) and his sister, Louise Marie Adélaïde de Bourbon (later Duchess of Orléans) (1753-1821); she holding a basket of flowers, c. 1765
French SchoolPortrait enamel of Prince James Francis Edward Stuart, ‘The Old Pretender’ (1688-1766), wearing suit of armour, blue sash of the Order of the Garter, white lace chemise and stock, red mantle, his wig worn curled and powdered, c. 1705
French SchoolPortrait Miniature of James Francis Edward Stuart (1688-1766), 'The Old Pretender', as a child, c. 1692
French SchoolThe artist Claude Lefebvre (1632-75), wearing black robes and white lace jabot, c. 1664
French SchoolPortrait of King Louis XIV (1638-1715), c. 1643
French SchoolPortrait miniature of an Officer, wearing dark blue uniform with red collar and lapels, his dark blue hat with gold braid, seated in a prison cell, a letter in his left hand inscribed ‘Paris/ 20 9bre/ 1816’, 1816
French SchoolPortrait Bust of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), 1800s
French SchoolPortraits of a young gentleman in armour, 1670s
French SchoolPortrait of a Noblewoman, 1590s
French SchoolPortrait of a Lady in a black dress with white cuffs and high collar, 1580s
French SchoolGentleman with eye patch or visor