- Nicholas Hilliard (c.1547-1619) and Isaac Oliver (c.1565-1617)Portrait miniatures of King James I (1566 buttons, a-1625) and his son, Henry, Prince of Wales (1594-1612), 1614 and 1612
- Lemuel Francis AbbottPortrait of Warren Hastings Governor General of India (1732-1818), c. 1795
- Lemuel Francis AbbottPortrait of George, 1st Earl of MacCartney (1737-1806), and his secretary Sir George Leonard Staunton (1737-1801), c. 1792
- William ActonPortrait of Loelia, Duchess of Westminster
- Follower of Pieter AertsenRest on the flight into Egypt, 1550s
- William AikmanPortrait of John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll (1678-1743) in armour with a garter sash, c. 1710
- William AikmanA Group Portrait of Four Girls and a Boy in a Landscape, c. 1720
- Cosmo AlexanderSelf-Portrait with a Portrait of 'The Old Pretender', 1749
- Cosmo AlexanderPortrait of Old Pretender James III
- Rupert AlexanderStudy of HM Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022), 2010
- American Colonial SchoolPortrait of a Natural Philosopher, 1750s
- American SchoolPortrait of a Young Girl holding an Apple, 1770s
- American SchoolPortrait of Two Girls, c. 1825-30
- Catherine AndrasPortrait of Admiral, Lord Nelson (1758-1805), early 19th century
- Samuel AndrewsPortrait miniature of William-Crosbie Ward (1786-1819), profile to the left, wearing coat and frilled shirt, late 18th century
- Samuel AndrewsLt. Colonel Robert Frith (d. 1800), of the first Bengal Native Cavalry, wearing a scarlet light cavalry-style jacket with blue facings, silver Russia braid and silver chain mail epaulettes, c. 1791
- Samuel AndrewsPortrait miniature of an Officer wearing the uniform of the 15th Regiment of Light Dragoons, The King’s Hussars, his dark blue coat with silver lace and red facings, 1800
- Peter AngelisThe Shoe Maker and His Apprentice, c. 1725
- Anglo-Ceylonese SchoolPanoramic View of Kandy, Ceylon, 19th century
- Anglo-Dutch SchoolInterior of an artist's studio, c. 1690
- Anglo-Flemish SchoolA Lady, wearing gown with white satin bodice, fur trimmed cloak, pearls at her neck, pearl earrings and a pearl and silver hair ornament, c. 1650
- Anglo-Flemish SchoolPortrait of Anne Boleyn (c. 1507-36), c. 1600
- Anglo-Flemish SchoolRoundel portrait of a Lady of the court, Late 1540s/ early 1550s
- Anglo-Flemish SchoolA Welshman celebrating St David’s Day, c. 1735
- Anglo-Flemish SchoolPortrait of a gentleman, c. 1620
- Anglo-Flemish SchoolPortrait of a young boy with battledore and shuttlecock, c. 1610
- Anglo-Flemish SchoolPortrait of a Gentleman, 1609
- Anglo-French SchoolPortrait of James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth and Buccleuch (1649-85), c. 1670
- Anglo-French SchoolPortrait of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), c. 1600
- Anglo-French SchoolPortrait of Sir Francis Drake (c. 1540-96), c. 1580
- Anglo-OrientalPortrait of Charles Theophilus (1785-1846), 1st Baron Metcalfe, c. 1835
- Sir Martin Archer Shee PRAPortrait of Frances Sophia Hunter, c. 1810
- Sir Martin Archer Shee PRAPortrait of Philip Harding, 1790s
- Sir Martin Archer Shee PRAPortrait of Sir Thomas Munro (1761-1827), c. 1800
- Johann Friedrich ArdinA Nobleman, formerly identified as ‘Count Gustav Bonde’, wearing a pink-lined blue cloak over a blue figured coat; full powdered wig, c. 1700
- Attributed to Jacques-Antoine ArlaudPrince James Francis Edward Stuart (1688-1766), 1692
- Benjamin ArlaudPortrait miniature of Louis XV (1710-74) as a child wearing ceremonial robes and armour, eearly 18th century
- Benjamin ArlaudPortrait miniature of a Gentleman, wearing red coat with gold buttons over tied white cravat, curled and powdered wig, 1700-1705 (painted)
- Jacques-Antoine ArlaudPortrait miniature of Robert Feilding (1650/1-1712), wearing armour with lace jabot and full-bottomed wig, late 17th century
- Jacques-Antoine ArlaudPortrait of Prince James Francis Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender (1688-1766), 1702
- John AstleyA Lady of the Armstrong Family, c. 1750
- John AstleyAnne, Lady Brabazon (née Molyneux) (d. 1803)
- Louis-Francois AubertPortrait miniature of King Louis XV of France (1710-74), in gilt-bordered armour, wearing a blue cloak decorated with gold fleur-de-lys, 1750s
- Louis Francois AubryPortrait miniature of a Captain, wearing the uniform of the Régiment de Lanciers de la Garde Royale, his dark green and scarlet uniform with silver epaulette and shoulder strap ('contre-épaulette'), c. 1816-30
- Jean-Baptiste Jacques AugustinPortrait miniature of Charles-Ferdinand d'Artois, Duc de Berry (Duke of Berry) (1778-1820), wearing green uniform with red collar and gold lace, with the star of the Order of the St Esprit and the Order of the Legion d'Honneur, 1820
- Jean-Baptiste Jacques AugustinPortrait of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821), c. 1800
- Jean-Baptiste Jacques AugustinPortrait miniature of Anne-Ferdinand-Louis de Berthier, Comte de Sauvigny (1782-1864), wearing blue coat with brass buttons, ochre waistcoat and white stock, 1805
- Jean-Baptiste Jacques AugustinA pair of portraits of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) and his wife, Marie-Louise of Austria (1791-1847), c. 1810
- Jean-Baptiste Jacques AugustinPortrait miniature of Charles-Ferdinand d'Artois, Duc de Berry (Duke of Berry) (1778-1820), 1820
- Louis Marie AutissierPortrait miniature of a Noblewoman, profile to the right, wearing white dress, red Kashmir shawl and pierced ribbon bandeau
- Attributed to Pauline AuzouSelf-portrait of the artist, wearing green dress with belt and lace collar, pearl necklace and pearl earrings, her hair curled, c. 1825
- Michael AyrtonStill life with fruit and gourd, 1943
- Jean-Antoine Laurent BaccaratPortrait of a Young Boy in a Grey Jacket, early 19th century
- Nathaniel Hughes John BairdPortrait of a Lady, 1898
- Rupert BarberA Lady, wearing a gold-trimmed lilac shawl over a white dress, c. 1745
- James Penniston BarracloughWoman in Green Holding a Gun, 1924
- Henry BarraudWilliam Ewart Gladstone (1809-98) with his Cabinet, 1868
- Thomas Barker of BathAn Arcadian Landscape with Deities, c. 1790
- William Hoare of BathPortrait of Henry Pelham (c. 1695-1754) Prime Minister, c. 1743
- William Hoare of BathPortrait of John Carteret, Earl Granville (1690-1763), c. 1743
- William Hoare of BathThomas Pelham-Holles (1693-1768), 1st Duke of Newcastle KG, c. 1752
- Thomas BeachPortrait of Master Hippisley, 1780
- Charles Beale IIA portrait of the artist's mother, Mary Beale (nee Craddock) (1633-1699), wearing a pale ochre-coloured dress, 1679
- Mary BealeBarbara Villiers Duchess of Cleveland, Post 1665
- Mary BealePortrait of a young girl, c. 1681
- Mary BealePortrait of a Mathematician, c. 1680
- Mary BealeMrs Mary Beale, Self Portrait, c. 1675-80
- Mary BealePortrait of Charles Beale (1632-1705), c. 1675
- Mary BealePortrait of King Charles II (1630-85), c. 1675
- Mary BealePortrait of a Courtesan, c. 1675
- Mary BealePortrait of Mary ''Moll'' Davis (fl. 1663-69), c. 1675
- Mary BealePortrait of Sir Thomas Isham Bt., c. 1675
- Mary BealePortrait of Charles Beale, the artist's husband, c. 1670
- Mary BealePortrait of Henry Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Newcastle (1630-91), c. 1670
- Mary BealeSelf Portrait of the Artist as a Shepherdess with her son Charles in Attendance, c. 1664-68
- Mary BealePortrait of the Artist's Son, Bartholomew Beale (bap. 1656-1714), c. 1660
- Mary BealePortrait of Sir Basil Dixwell Bt. (1665-1750), 1681
- Mary BealePortrait of a Youth, though to be the artist's son, Charles Beale (1660-1714), 1680s
- Mary BealePortrait of Comport Fytche (1676-1720), 1680s
- Mary BealePortrait of the artist's son, 1680s
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